Friday 9 January 2015



So this is gonna be a bit of a deep, kinda rant-y post (great way to start a blog). It's about self consciousness, insecurity, and ignorance (not the Paramore song, unfortunately). Everyone is self-conscious about something, it's human nature. You, reading now, you'll be self-concious about something. But people shouldn't have to be. In the grand scheme of things, people shouldn't really care if you're tall or small, slimmer, or carry a bit more weight, or anything. Even if its a personality self-consciousness, people shouldn't care whether you're shy, or loud, or whatever. The majority of people don't really care about little imperfections (to be honest, what one person views as a flaw, another could see as something beautiful). When most people see someone, they don't care about how they look, or anything like that- they see what makes them smile, what their hopes and dreams are- not a crooked nose or a small height.

The problem comes when people are ignorant about people's insecurities. Some people make fun of people for them, or are insensitive and make jokes (they don't know what people around them are going through), or whatever they do. It's not right, and it can destroy even the strongest persons confidence and self-esteem. And it needs to stop. It's not fair to make someone feel small for something they can't change (it's not right to make someone feel small full stop), or it may encourage that person to go to great lengths to try and become someone they're not, just to impress worthless people. Your self-worth is not defined by the opinions of others. I cannot stress that enough.

I know my blog has basically no views, but if just 1 person sees this, and maybe changes the way they talk about insecurities, or how they see themselves, that would be absolutely amazing, beyond words.

Stay strong,

Paglaroo Xx

Sunday 4 January 2015



I've wanted to start blogging for ages, but never got really round to it. I'm just a teenage girl who is somewhat (majorly) obsessed with youtube, pop punk bands, and eyeliner (I swim in the stuff). 
I thought, who would be interested in my life? And even though the answer is no one, I decided to make one anyway (LOGIC). This blog will be my mad thoughts, the awkward thing that is my life, and my favourites/random things (from reviews of makeup to album recommendations). So if you have stumbled here by some random chance, put your feet up (just don't get mud on your computer!), and have fun (:

Paglaroo Xx